Picture of child smiling directly at the camera, she is wearing a pink jumper and a red apron. In the foreground are paint brushes, egg boxes and other arts and crafts supplies. In the background are rainbow coloured window blinds.

Z-access family fun day returns to Z-arts

On Sunday 17 June, Z-access family fun day will return to Z-arts, welcoming children and families for an accessible fun day with plenty of interactive activities including arts and crafts, music, drama and dance. This day will be especially beneficial to families where one or member may have an autistic spectrum condition, or sensory or communication condition, or otherwise identify as having a disability.

Z-access is free and open to everyone. We’ve got a fantastic team of friendly and inclusive facilitators, volunteers and staff as well as a BSL interpreter. We’ll be encouraging safe, supported exploration and creativity throughout the day. To help you create your own adventure we’ll be providing colourful maps so you can make your own journey to all the different activities throughout the building. There will also be a sensory room and a dedicated time-out space available for families who need to take a break or enjoy a quieter moment.

Z-arts will also be holding a relaxed performance of the bright, colourful and fun dance show, Tidy Up by Peut Etre Theatre. Created in partnership with Great Ormond Street Hospital, Tidy Up is all about creating order and mess, based on children’s desire for patterns and systems! As with all children’s shows at Z-arts the performance will have a relaxed atmosphere, where audience members are free to come and go as they like throughout the performance. We will also be keeping the house lights on throughout the show and there will be more staff in the theatre to provide audiences with any support they may require, and we will have a reduced capacity allowing for plenty of wiggle room and a less crowded space. The relaxed performance is taking place at 12pm and tickets are £6-£9.

Booking is required to ensure Z-arts can make the day as enjoyable as possible for everyone. For more information or to book tickets for Z-access or Tidy Up, please pop into Z-arts, book online or call Z-arts Box Office on 0161 232 6089.  For any questions regarding access you can contact our dedicated Access Officer Lowri on 0161 226 1912 or lowri@z-arts.org