The Welcoming Party

The Welcoming Party performances have now finished but the welcome continues at Z-arts throughout the summer with lots of free family activities.

Every Saturday in August Pathway Arts will be holding family friendly days creating a Welcoming HQ at Z-Arts. Everyone is welcome each week to come and make a different part of the HQ, there will be things to take away and you can see your work in the exhibition that will be on display for the whole of August.

5 August – Messages of Welcome

Z-arts is party HQ and throughout August we need friendly faces to develop an exhibition based on welcoming. Using creative arts to design and make welcome signs and welcome banners we will look at what our message of welcome is to the rest of the  world.

Come and make welcoming banners and be photographed with them as part of the welcoming party HQ. Take part in a treasure hunt around Z-arts, quizzes and games. Start making an imaginative welcoming cafe, serving up messages of culture, pictures of hope and spaces to share, the cafe will be on display for the whole of August.

12 August – Welcoming Spaces

The welcome continues at Z-arts! This week we will be mono-printing protest banners and taking photos to display at party HQ Z-arts.

Learn about how people welcome in different countries and create your own welcoming mono-print. Come and see your photo from the last week with your welcoming banners. Write and draw to a new arrival to welcome them, and show your welcoming spaces of Manchester.

19 August – Tea and Biscuits

How would you like to be welcome if you were new here? Make your own house, church or imaginary space that you find welcoming or write a postcard to welcome people to Manchester, all to be displayed in our welcoming exhibition.

Make your own peg doll and recreate Hulme through cardboard, get creative! Create the spaces you want to see in your community, build more parks or fun buildings, there’s no limit to what changes you can make you can create your own person to take away too. Sit in the imaginary cafe and write a postcard to a new refugee, these will get sent to new arrivals throughout August and September. As well as quizzes, games and lots to learn about refugees in the UK.

26 August – Pass It On

Get ready to lead the way to welcome refugees. We’ll be launching our welcoming exhibition with bunting and badge making.

This week is all about spreading the message of welcome, so please come along and make things to take home, there will be paper bunting, badges and t-shirt printing. As well as seeing the finished exhibition of all your work!

Learn more about The Welcoming Party HQ Saturday Demo’s