Photo of children dancing in front of wall projections

Using Digital Technology to Enhance Creativity – Your invite!

Calling all theatre and arts professionals!

With digital technology becoming ever more central to arts organisations, we want to explore how progress in the digital world can enhance theatrical and arts experiences for our audiences. This can be from live streaming and social media to virtual reality!

Following the success of the Big Imaginations Festival 2013 and 2017, our Big Imaginations Festival 2019 will be a Digi-Fest! Taking place across the North of England, all programmed pieces will have a digital focus and venues across the network will be encouraged to use digital technologies for participation and audience experience.

Wednesday 14 November, Z-arts

1.30pm – 2.30pm – Performance Sharing

The meeting will open with a sharing of the R&D of Big Imaginations Festival commission The Stitch Brothers Patchwork Wonders by Arun Ghosh, Jason Singh and Fabric Lenny. The final piece will be performed in Big Imaginations venues as part of Big Imaginations Digi-Fest 2019.

2.30pm – 4.30pm – Panel discussion ‘Using Digital Technology To Enhance Creativity”

This second part of the meeting will discuss ‘Using Digital To Enhance Creativity’ with a panel of industry experts.

Meet the Panel

Wild Rumpus  – Wild Rumpus produce large scale outdoor family arts events, most often in wild natural landscapes. They believe that when families engage together in the highest quality arts in the great outdoors, something quite amazing can happen.

Tom Dale –  Artistic Director, Tom Dale Dance – Tom Dale graduated from Laban winning the centre’s Award for Outstanding Achievement in Choreography, danced with leading choreographers and companies including Mathew Bourne’s Adventures in Motion Pictures before focusing on creating his own work and forming Tom Dale Company. 

Mike Beigel – Associate Practitioner,  Action Transport Theatre – Mike runs #animatetheport – a digital engagement project aimed at exploring the different ways that digital media can invite and enhance engagement with hard to reach young people. So far the project has included film-making, QR Treasure Hunts, Interactive Theatre Games, Escape Rooms, Web-Based Games and is always looking for new ideas from and with young people.

All panellists will be asked to discuss about how digital enhances their offer, programme and practice, and there will be a opportunity for an open discussion at the end of the panel discussion as well as an opportunity to network and meet industry peers before and after the event.

If you’d like to attend please RSVP to by Wednesday 7 November.