Reclaim Young Activists

‘RECLAIM Project is a Manchester based youth leadership and social change charity who are now expanding our activism strand into the AGMA regions. Our new Powerhouse Pioneers project looks to recruit two working class young people aged 14-20 per borough, who will unite as a cohort to amplify the voices of Greater Manchester’s young people.

We invite the young people of Manchester to our 2015 open selection day, where we will choose five individuals to progress onto the next stage, selecting our final two borough representatives in November. We are looking for young people who show leadership potential, are interested in social change and who want to become young activists. As a group, they will choose, develop and lead campaigns in their communities, focusing on issues they have identified that are challenging young people across the county today; being seen, being heard and leading change.

This is an exciting new opportunity for young people borough wide to have their voices heard, on challenging issues that some are hesitant to address. For more information or hard copies of our flyer, please get in touch on

If you know of any young people who would like to complete our nomination forms, please pass them on, and encourage them to get in touch!’

About Reclaim

RECLAIM exists to challenge the homogeneity that exists in the leadership profiles across UK society. In politics, economics, media, culture and sport, a recognisable working-class presence is rapidly disappearing.

We believe that at a time of widening social inequality, young people who demonstrate clear leadership capabilities should be supported in their ambitions. Successful adults have relied on impressive networks to reach the top, friends’ parents who offer work experience, unpaid internships within top firms, Oxbridge degrees.   RECLAIM is an alternative pathway that offers working class young people opportunities and access, encouraging them to remain their authentic selves whilst building pride in their communities.