Production photo of Where's My Igloo Gone? An actor in a blue coat is holding up a piece of paper, the audience is sat to her right, looking at her and also holding up pieces of paper.

5 quick questions! Where’s My Igloo Gone?

Photo credit – Pamela Raith

Where’s My Igloo Gone? was grounded by science and powered by imagination! We spoke to The Bone Ensemble, who created the show, to find out more about this Arctic adventure which visited Z-arts.

First things first, what is Where’s My Igloo Gone? 
It’s an interactive theatre show for audiences aged 5+!

What’s it about? It is a story about a girl called Oolik who discovers that her igloo home is melting, and goes on an adventure to find help. It’s set in the Arctic, and is inspired by what is happening to those environments and communities affected by climate change.  It’s an interactive show, where everyone gets involved (and yes, that includes the adults!). There’s lots of music and songs, inspired by the Inuit culture, with lots of fun human and animal characters and a positive, hopeful ending. Prepare to be immersed in the show’s magical, Arctic world.

What can I expect? We’re All Cool… But can you solve our climate change puzzle? Alongside our performance audiences get the opportunity to play our FREE interactive installation, which is like a super-sized puzzle that uses facts and figures about how the world is changing to create a fun, learning experience for all involved. We have been working with our scientist friends Professor David Hannah (University of Birmingham) and Dr. Nick Mount (University of Nottingham) to find a clever and fun way to turn their numbers, graphs and measurements into things you can move around, learn from and enjoy. See if you can be cool in super quick time!

How long is the show? Approximately 60 minutes.

Are there lots of difficult words I won’t understand? There is no English spoken – the characters speak ‘Iglooish’, a made-up language, meaning that all performances are accessible to d/Deaf audiences, without signer or captions.