Initially we will all get to know each other, get used to being in the space again, and have a load of fun.
Then we’ll be focusing on a big production that we will put on in the theatre at Z Arts in early summer 2022.
Plus we will be welcoming lots of amazing guest artists to teach us new skills to make the new show the best EVER.

Who will be teaching this class?

Jana – she is always ready to GO, GO, GO!!!

What should I wear?

Something comfy that you are ready to be physical in.

Anything I need to bring?

Don’t forget your water bottle!


We want to make your visit to Z-arts as enjoyable as possible and try our best to cater for everyone’s needs. If your child has any specific requirements or you feel we need to know anything in advance please give us a call on 0161 226 1912 or email boxoffice@z-arts.org and we’ll do everything we can to make your visit and class as hassle-free as we can!


When booking your spot, please make sure the booking is in your child’s name, not yours. Thanks!