Promo image for Z-Dance. Photo of two teenage girls break dancing in a dance studio


Past event

Z-Dance, Tuesdays 6pm – 7pm

Move your mood and try a new dance style in these fun, energetic weekly Z-Dance sessions. These supportive and fun sessions require no previous experience, just enthusiasm!

All sessions require booking to secure a place and not be disappointed.

All young people need to sign up to a Bright Sparks Membership  but then access to the classes is free.


Z-Dance is free for Bright Sparks Members.

For £15 a year, you and your family can become Bright Sparks members!

Bright Sparks membership includes:

  • Free admission for parents and children to Z-arts activities and classes
  • Holiday activities, each with a different theme, running during half-term, Easter and Summer Holidays
  • Discounted tickets to Big Imaginations shows
  • An invitation to our Sparklers parents group, where you can offer ideas and suggestions for the future
  • A complimentary cup of tea/coffee/milk/juice for 2 people at every Sparklers meeting

Membership is FREE for those families who can’t afford to pay. This includes anyone who is in receipt of social security, families whose income is less than £16,190, Looked After Children and their carers, children cared for by their grandparents on a full-time basis and students with children.