A double bill by Coalesce Dance Theatre of Hereafter and the premiere of The Cocoon.
The Cocoon
An intimate look at womanhood in its many colourful, explicit and honest forms. Drawing on personal narrative and experience, this work lays bare the up-hill battles, humorous idiosyncrasies and joys of being a woman. With an original music score by composer Richard Smithson, and five powerful female dance artists, The Cocoon uses highly physical dance theatre and text to explore and celebrate the complex and multi-faceted nature of femininity.
With captivating choreography and an original live music score, Hereafter fuses together dance and music in an exciting exploration of cross art collaboration. As musicians and dancers share the stage, we witness the development of a common language. The work premiered at The Edinburgh Fringe Festival in 2018 to great acclaim and is now back as part of this Dance Double Bill.