Some might be Plink and others are Boo
Why does it matter, what’s the to-do?
Jumbled up people and boxes too small;
Let’s make a den and discover it all…
Welcome to the topsy turvy world of Play-Along Plink and Boo, a unique circus theatre performance made for camera. Join us from the comfort of your own home as we explore what happens when people don’t fit into boxes (even if it is the neatest place to put them).
This show combines watching a filmed performance with playing along with real objects in your own homes. The objects are the same as the ones you’ll see in the show. You can download an activity pack or watch this instruction video that shows you how to make these objects, using things you can find round the house.
Before you watch Play-Along Plink and Boo, we recommend getting ready by building a theatre den in your front room! In this video, Thea, the youngest member of Can’t Sit Still, shows you how to do just that.
As parents ourselves, we appreciate that anyone looking after children is likely to be busy! If you don’t have time to do all this before the show, don’t worry. You can still enjoy the experience without the props or den.