ONLINE: I-Create

Past event

Join us this Easter break for a week of fun and practical sessions for primary school aged children! There are two sessions running every day, so you can choose the time slot that best suits you.

This week we are taking things back to basics, to create art for arts sake!

Each day will focus on a different art medium, working with an artist you will playfully explore CREATING each day.

This is a brilliant opportunity to make, and be an artist!

Tuesday: Zine-making with Natasha

Join Tasha in a creative session making your very own zine!

You’ll be sent a little pack for this session, with some paper ready to cut, collage and stick into a small book you will make with no glue.

Your zine can reflect you, things you like and you can write on them too and add any stickers or sequins or anything really that you have at home.

We will:

Do some fun games and exercises to open the session and make our own unique zine.

What you will need:

Art Equipment:



-Paint brush

-Colouring pens / pencils / crayons


-A4/A3 Plain paper x2

-Images on paper

-Newspapers / magazines

Wednesday: Visual Art with Gill

Join Gill in a fun creative making session exploring the magical uniqueness of YOU!

We will draw, make and paint a few art pieces to celebrate our own special qualities and help us feel good.

We will:

Make an “I CAN” cloud mobile that looks at all the things that make you, you.

Paper Mache your very own bowl to keep your favourite things in! Lego, jewellery, pens you name it!

Art Equipment:




-Colouring pens/ pencils/crayons

-PVA glue ( &pot for glue)

-Paint brush

-Poster paints / acrylic paint


-Cereal box / other cardboard packaging you have!

-String / wool

-A4 plain paper x 2

-Plastic/metal/ceramic bowl (to get your bowl shape)

-Clingfilm (to protect your bowl)

-Newspapers / magazines

Thursday: Poetry and Performance with Yemi

Join Yemi and create spoken word performances about things you really care about! Using rhyme and wordplay, you will learn to use your words to tell a story poetically, have fun and build vocal confidence!

What you will need:

3-4 pieces of paper and pen / pencil to write with

Friday: Storyboard Art with Joe

All aboard for story time! In this session with Jo you will make storyboards to write & illustrate a little story together! Then from this you will transfer these drawings onto stones to make some beautiful little story stones!

Art equipment:

-Pencil, ruler, rubber, sharpener

-Felt pens or inky pens

-PVA glue, spatula and little pot to put some in,


-At least 10 medium to large, flat pebbles,

-3 x A4 white paper,