Let’s Grow is brought to you by the co-creators of ‘Mr. Bloom’s Nursery’, the award winning CBeebies Brand.
Calling all green fingered families! Mr. Bloom would love your help with some gardening jobs! Come along to a Let’s Grow workshop with one of his friends and lend a hand! Join us at Z-arts and enjoy the Let’s Grow Workshops, a delightful way to engage children and their grown-ups with themes of nature and growing, through a variety of hands-on gardening experiences and as an inspiration for creative play.
Mr. Bloom’s looking forward to meeting Tiddlers and their Grown-Ups via a very special Video Call and seeing what fun can be had! All the Let’s Grow Nature & Growing themed workshops, feature a very special Video Call with Mr. Bloom (CBeebies).
There are four workshops in which children learn about nature, explore where our food comes from and discover how things grow. There are four themed workshops:
- Seeds
- Seedlings
- Mushrooms & Radishes
- Potatoes
You can come to just one workshop or come to all four during the week. They start at 10.30am each day and last about 75 minutes.
Tickets cost just £2.50 per child or adult and you can book a maximum of 3 tickets per family. Babes in arms welcome and do not need a ticket.