I-Create 11+

Past event

We’re delighted to announce, subject to restrictions, we are going to be starting to run limited classes within the building, with smaller numbers of participants who fall within government specifications, and social distancing. We can’t wait to have you back with us – see below for the classes you can come along to!

Tuesday 13 April: Brilliant Banner Designs with Becki

Make brilliant and bold banners that spread messages about what really matters to you. Join graffiti and mural artist Becki and learn banner making, layout and lettering and creative ideas for making your own placards.

Thursday 15 April: Storytelling and Lyric Writing with Richard

Join songwriter and musician Richard Kankondo and explore storytelling through lyrics and poetry. Practise spoken word and your own create ideas and think about using song and spoken performance creatively.

Friday 16 April: Music-Making with Charlotte

It’s time to make music and discover sounds and ways to create songs as a collective. Experiment with different instruments and have fun with your own ideas, composing music creatively with producer, singer and sound artist Charlotte.

Children aged 11+ will be able to attend activities if the family meet on of the following criteria:

  • vulnerable children and young people, under any circumstance
  • children on free school meals, where they are attending as part of the Department for Education’s holiday activities and food programme
  • all other children, where the provision is one of the following:
    • reasonably necessary to enable their parents and carers to work, search for work, undertake education or training, or attend a medical appointment or address a medical need, or attend a support group
    • being used by electively home educating parents as part of their arrangements for their child to receive a suitable full-time education