Friends for All

Past event

Ages 5-11

11am & 2.30pm

Running Time: 45 mins

Watch the trailer

Half Moon Presents a Simon Mole production

8 year old Lexi doesn’t make friends as easily as some. If only her school would allow a non-school uniform day then she could be herself and find others like her. Inspired by Grandad’s hippy stories from the swinging 60s, she decides to fight the powers that be, namely her class teacher, Mr Marsh, and the class bully, Suzy. Friends For All is an interactive spoken word performance for families, with rapping, dancing and far-out video projections. It is a story about having the confidence to be yourself and stand up for what you believe in.

“The play suggests that it’s…vital for young people to question the rules and think for themselves, developing the critical thinking skills that will equip them for a future of informed decision-making and political awareness.” – Children’s Theatre Reviews