Lead image for Visiting Z-arts page. Picture of a group of 4 - 6 year olds standing in a circle holding a multi-coloured parachute. There are small multi-coloured balls bouncing on the parachute and the children are stood on a wooden, laminate floor.

Drama Stars (5 – 7 years)

Past event

Drama Stars is Z-arts’ drama club for young people, promoting communication, self-confidence and creativity with fun activities each week.

Come and join in drama exercises, fun activities and games as well as learning performance skills and working towards a performance twice a year.

Drama Stars is a great opportunity to make new friends, build up confidence, improve performance skills and express yourself. We are always excited to welcome new members!

All Bright Sparks classes only become available to book a week in advance, before this all sessions will display below as ‘sold out’ as they are not available for booking.


Art Stars is free for Bright Sparks Members.

For £15 a year, you and your family can become Bright Sparks members!

Bright Sparks membership includes:

  • Free admission for parents and children into Z-arts participatory activities and classes
  • Holiday activities, each with a different theme, running during half-term, Easter and Summer Holidays
  • Discounted tickets to any Big Imaginations production
  • A chance to come along to our Sparklers parents group, where you can offer ideas and suggestions for the future
  • A complimentary cup of tea/coffee/milk/juice for 2 people at every Sparklers meeting