Big Imaginations Artist Day

Past event

Are you an artist making work in the North? Interested in work for children and families? Come and meet Big Imaginations and the artists we work with.

  • Find out what Big Imaginations venues can do for artists and how to access this support
  • Hear associate artists talk about how Big Imaginations has developed their work
  • Meet other north-based artists making work for young audiences
  • Free brew!

Venues and artists will be doing Pecha Kucha style presentations (don’t know what that is? Check it out here: to share their expertise, and we want to hear from you as well – what support do you need? What can venues provide? What can we do?

Places on this event are FREE. To book your place, call Box Office on 0161 232 6089 or just pop into Z-arts and do it in person. There are limited spaces so make sure you get there quick – see you there!