Easter at Z-arts

Easter at Z-arts

We can’t wait for Easter here at Z-arts – we’ve got some great shows and exciting events including welcoming back some old friends and it’s making us feel all warm and fuzzy.

Very Young Audiences

7 April, 10.30am – Non-walking babies, Free – Baby Play We understand that exploration is the heart of play and we want to help your baby develop by providing an interactive baby room with a different theme each month for you and your baby to discover together. Find out more

25 April, 11am, 1pm & 3pm – 0-24 Months, £5 – Cello Babies For our extra small audiences Cello Babies allows babies and toddlers to listen and make sense of the sounds around them, helping them to communicate. Here’s what to expect. 


Young Audiences

7 – 10 April, 10am-12pm – Ages 7-10,  Free  – Easter Activity Throughout Half Term week there will be an arts activity inspired by the show Where Caterpillars Go. Book now as places are limited.

9 April, 11.30am, 2.30pm – Under 5’s, £8/£6 – Where Caterpillars Go For younger audience members under 5 Travelled Companions will be returning to our stage with Where Caterpillars Go, following an inquisitive caterpillar into a garden made entirely from paper.


Ages 11-16

7-10 April, 1pm-3pm,  FreeGrimm Tales Join ZYP (Z-arts Young Performers) and work to be part of a multi-media show on stage for Summer 2015. Bring classic fairy tales bang up to date with performance, music and multi-media. Meet new people, develop new skills like teamwork and have fun.


All Ages

2 April, 6.15pm – Free, Bright Sparks Showcase See what all our brilliant young people  have been working on including Bright Stars, ZYP, Mix it Up and Mix it Up families, Streetdance, Ballet, Film Club, Baby Play and Paint Pots for Tots.

2 April, 6pm-8pm, Free, 3D Printing Showcase Z-arts are giving visitors the chance to try out the revolutionary new technology, 3D printing! Audiences will have the chance to create a brand new digital model live and watch the 3D printer in action, working with 3D visual artist Sumit Sarkar.

Tickets discounts are available when you buy a Family Ticket for 4 people at just £25. Join our Bright Sparks membership scheme for all families, no matter what shape and size. For just £15 a year (free for registered unemployed, students and disabled) you can access all of our regular activities. You can book online or call our Box Office team on 0161 226 1912.