An adult with short grey hair and black trousers is standing in the centre of a group of school children leading a physical workshop.

Trinity High School Arts Week

Trinity High Schools Year 7 pupils leave their regular lessons behind and take part in dedicated arts week to celebrate finishing their first year of high school! We work with ALL 220+ Year 7 pupils to showcase the arts and what is on offer at Z-arts and available to them in the local community.  

It a jam packed week, with something exciting happening across our entire building. 

The week ends with a showcase to celebrate the talents and hard work of Year 7 and to bring the project to a close.  

The week wraps up with a showcase, shining a spotlight on the creativity and hard work of Year 7 over the week and throughout the year. It’s a joyful celebration of their talents, achievements, and the incredible journey they’ve taken— the perfect grand finale to a project.