Z-arts is super proud to have worked with The Linking Network for over 15 years to promote community cohesion, celebrate identity and diversity and champion equality and worked with numerous children.
The Linking Network works with primary, secondary and special schools in localities that have been identified as having segregated communities. Through a carefully planned and research-led approach, underpinned by Social Contact Theory, the network supports teachers to facilitate meaningful and positive sustained social mixing.
The programme operates through a year-long programme of structured exchanges for paired classes, and curriculum work equips learners with the skills, confidence and knowledge to thrive in modern Britain. The network’s training enables teachers to support their learners to develop trust, empathy, awareness and respect. Tried and tested resources are employed in the classroom and the resulting work is exchanged between the pairs of schools. Through-out the linking year ongoing curriculum work on the themes of identity, diversity, community and equality is exchanged. Opportunities for dialogue, critical reflection and positive attitudinal development are encouraged.
As a key creative partner, Z-arts involvement is to welcome school groups for their initial meeting, hosting an inspiring day of drama, art, and interactive activities. This dynamic and engaging experience provides children with a neutral, safe space to connect, collaborate, and express themselves freely, fostering creativity and confidence from the very start.
This project is a joyous celebration of the things that make us unique and reminds children to be curious and kind to those different from themselves throughout a playful and creative day.
Find out more about the project and how your school could get involved!